
This page contains technical documentation to CoroVent ventilator. The files are updated whenever a change in design and construction was made. Corovent Temporary Open Licence related to this page content is here: Temporary-Open-Licence-CoroVent.

Instructions for use / Návod k použití



Prevention of Barotrauma / Prevence barotrauma

by Karel Roubík and Šimon Walzel

The description how the prevention of Barotrauma is ensured

English version

Česká verze

Decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic – Permission to distribute CoroVent in an emergency situation

Rozhodnutí MZ ČR – Povolení distribuce CoroVentu v rámci nouzového stavu

Rozhodnutí je zde.

Pneumatic scheme and description of the CoroVent ventilator

by Karel Roubík and Václav Ort

The pneumatic scheme of the CoroVent ventilator is here.
The description and functioning of the ventilator is in Corovent – Device Documentation (CVUT release 2020-04-07).

Pressure-relief valve (6 kPa)

by Aleš Procháska

PDF file with the technical documentation: pressure-relief valve 6 kPa, vyrobni a montazni vykresy
Technical documentation in .SLDPRT format: Pressure-relief valve

Expiratory valve (PEEP and Plim valve)

by Aleš Procháska

PDF file with the technical documentation: expiratory valve, vyrobni a montazni vykresy
Technical documentation in .SLDPRT format: expiratory valve v4m


Orifice gauge CoroQuant / Spirometrická clona CoroQuant

by Ladislav Bís

PDF file with the technical documentation: Senzor-průtoku-pro-ventilátor-CoroQuant.pdf
Technical documentation in .SLDPRT format: CoroQuant
CoroQuant animation


Support during creation of this CoroVent page

English translation: Milan Veverka.
Technical drawing: Jindřich Křivka, Aleš Procháska.