For Our Students

This section contains study materials for our students at Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The resources may be in Czech language and may not be related to respiratory care.

Lecture from Respiratory Days 2022: “Perioperační péče o pacienty s morbidní obezitou”

The complete slides and lecture presented by Assoc. Prof. Vlasta Dostalova can be downloaded here.

Lake Arrowhead meeting of MTARA: Operating HAM RADIO abroad: the CEPT options

The presentation can be downloaded here, its .ppt version here. These files are here temporarily, until end of 2022 +/-.

Fluid Mechanics lectures at ITC Cambodia

Dear students, here are the first slides we used during the lectures. Your homework can be downloaded here. And the saturated water vapor tables are here.

Diplomka ve třech minutách (23. 4. 2021)

Materiály k přednášce “Hrůzostrašná diskuse” aneb “diskuse o diskusi”:

Prezentace: diskuse-Karel-Roubik.pdf

Článek o struktuře odporného textu (obsahuje slíbenou tabulku s větami pro diskusi): Anatomy-of-a-Research-Paper.pdf

Článek o efektivním psaní diskuse: How-to-Write-an-Effective-Discussion.pdf

HFV “virtual” Conference in Snowbird, UT (March 2021)

Seven EIT articles to download.

Presentation: Electrical Impedance Tomography-Benefits and Limitations.

Download the YBERC 2018 Presentation:

Karel Roubík: How NOT to write a manuscript that cannot be published

Watch Thomas Bachman’s Lecture “The path from an idea to success”


A lecture from Thomas Bachman, a member of our team, presented on May 27, 2015 at Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, can be watched here or downloaded here.

Kurz anesteziologie a IM (FNKV Praha)

Metodologie výzkumu

Pokroky v BMI

Respiratory Care

Medical Devices and Equipment (Erasmus)

Equipment for Anesthesia and CCM / Speciální přístrojová technika v anesteziologii a resuscitaci


Supporting materials to current experimental/clinical trials

And finally:

  • Physical chemistry (English) – present for 14 days only:

Download the files here.

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