Experimental data (measured and statistically evaluated) of the published studies
Study submitted to Applied Sciences:
Simon Walzel, Ladislav Bis, Vaclav Ort, Karel Roubik:
Simple design of mechanical ventilator for mass production may offer excellent performance, precise monitoring and advanced safety
The complete data set is available here:
Study submitted to Journal of Medical Internet Research:
Simon Walzel, Hana Sebestova, Veronika Rafl-Huttova, Martin Rozanek, Jakub Rafl:
Long-term accuracy and stability of smartwatch blood pressure measurements: Prospective validation study
The complete data set is available here:
Study published in Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express:
Simon Walzel and Karel Roubik:
Effect of Tissue Viscoelasticity on Delivered Mechanical Power in a Physical Respiratory System Model: Distinguishing Between Airway and Tissue Resistance
The complete data set is available here:
Study submitted to Scientific Reports:
Simon Walzel, Veronika Rafl-Huttova, Martin Rozanek, Petr Kudrna, Marian Rybar, Jakub Rafl:
Inter-Finger Variability of SpO2 During Hypoxemia and Step Resaturation
The complete data set is available here:
Study published in Applied Sciences:
Simon Walzel, Martin Rozanek and Karel Roubik:
Perlite as a possible model material of avalanche snow has similar diffusion properties for oxygen and carbon dioxide as snow
The complete data set is available here:
Study published in Sensors:
Simon Walzel, Radek Mikus, Veronika Rafl-Huttova, Martin Rozanek, Thomas E Bachman and Jakub Rafl:
Evaluation of Leading Smartwatches for the Detection of Hypoxemia: Comparison to Reference Oximeter
The complete data set is available here:
Study published in Sensors:
Kristyna Koldova, Ales Rara, Martin Muller, Tomas Tyll and Karel Roubik:
Cranial Electrode Belt Position Improves Diagnostic Possibilities of Electrical Impedance Tomography during Laparoscopic Surgery with Capnoperitoneum
The complete data set is available here.
Study published in Scientific Reports:
Roubik, K., Ort. V., Horakova, L., Walzel, S.:
Novel design of inspirium generation and gas mixing for critical care ventilators suitable for rapid production and mass casualty incidents
Scientific Reports 2023; 13(1), 7153
Full citation: Roubik, K., Ort, V., Horakova, L., & Walzel, S. (2023). Novel design of inspiratory flow generation and gas mixing for critical care ventilators suitable for rapid production and mass casualty incidents. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 7153. (→Full Text)
The complete data set is available here: RAW data
Here is the Supplementary Material 1
Here is the Supplementary Material 2
Study published in Diagnostics:
Ort V., Roubík K.:
Electrical Impedance Tomography can be used to quantify lung hyperinflation during HFOV: The pilot study in pigs
Sensors 2022, 22(11), 4236.
Full citation: Ort V, Roubik K. Electrical Impedance Tomography Can Be Used to Quantify Lung Hyperinflation during HFOV: The Pilot Study in Pigs. Diagnostics. 2022; 12(9):2081. (→Full Text)
The full data set can be downloaded here: HFOV-hyperinflation-data.xls
Study published in Sensors (MDPI):
Horakova L., Roubik, K.:
Pulse oximeter performance during rapid desaturation
Sensors 2022, 22(11), 4236.
Full citation: Horakova, L.; Roubik, K. Pulse Oximeter Performance during Rapid Desaturation. Sensors 2022, 22, 4236. (→Full Text)
Original Data set: The original SpO2 dataset measured during the experiments supplemented wit Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate data: Original-data
Supplementary material S1 showing graphs of heart rate and respiratory rate.
Study published in Measurement: Sensors (IMEKO/Elsevier):
Bis L., Roubik, K.:
Design and performance of a flow sensor CoroQuant used with emergency lung ventilator CoroVent during COVID-19 pandemic
Supplementary material S1: S1-CoroQuant_flow_sensor (*.zip format)
Study published in Scientific Reports (2022):
Roubik, K., Sykora, K., Sieger, L., Ort. V., Horakova, L., Walzel, S.:
Perlite is a suitable model material for experiments investigating breathing in high density snow
Scientific Reports 12, 2070 (2022).
Full citation: Roubik, K., Sykora, K., Sieger, L. et al. Perlite is a suitable model material for experiments investigating breathing in high density snow. Sci Rep 12, 2070 (2022).
A a randomized double blind crossover study demonstrates that Perlite is a suitable model material for breathing experiments studying survival of a victim covered with avalanche snow.
The complete data set is available here: Snow-model-data.xlsx. The file contains Supplementary Tables S1 to S16 with the measure data and Tables S17 to S21 with statistical analysis.
CONSORT Flowchart of the study can be downloaded here.
Study published in Plos One (2015):
Roubík K, Sieger L, Sykora K
Work of Breathing into Snow in the Presence versus Absence of an Artificial Air Pocket Affects Hypoxia and Hypercapnia of a Victim Covered with Avalanche Snow: A Randomized Double Blind Crossover Study
PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144332. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144332.
Full citation: Roubík K, Sieger L, Sykora K (2015) Work of Breathing into Snow in the Presence versus Absence of an Artificial Air Pocket Affects Hypoxia and Hypercapnia of a Victim Covered with Avalanche Snow: A Randomized Double Blind Crossover Study. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144332. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144332. (→Full Text)