
Journal Club: Publishing papers… Pitfalls and Tricks


We invite you to join us during our NVT Journal Club on the topic:

How to publish a biomedical engineering paper in a medical journal—Pitfalls and Tricks

on Monday, April 18, 2016, at 17:00, room C-2 (salonek) at FBMI ČVUT.

The moderator will be Thomas E. Bachman, Lake Arrowhead, California, USA.

Good atmosphere and excellent wine is guaranteed!

Václav Ort won the 19th John H. Emerson award in Salt Lake City, UT, USA


Vašek Ort won the 19th John Haven Emerson award in Snowbird nr. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, for his research work aimed at measurement of dynamic hyperinflation and hypoinflation during HFOV using electrical impedance tomography, presented at the 33rd Annual Conference on High Frequency Ventilation and Critical Care of Infants, Children & Adults.



Kristýna was awarded Price of Hlávka Foundation


Kristýna Buzková, our NVT member, was awarded Price of Josef Hlávka for the best students and graduates.

The price is for talented students in bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree programs who have demonstrated exceptional ability and creative thinking in their field, under 33 years of age. The price is awarded annually by Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdenky HlávkovýchFoundation of Josef, Marie and Zdeňka Hlávka.


Vašek and Karel won special prize at EHB 2015 Conference!


Our NVT members Václav Ort and Karel Roubík won Special Prize of the Faculty of Medical Bioengineering at IEEE Conference EHB 2015 in Iasi, Romania.

Vasek Ort a Karel Roubik

The name of the winning contribution is “The Effect of Dynamic Hypoinflation during High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation in an in Vitro Model of the Respiratory System”.


Journal Club (October 27, 2015)


We invite you to join us during our NVT Journal Club on the topic:

Is there still a role for high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in neonates, children and adults?

on Tuesday, October 27, 2015, at 17.00, room A-105 at FBMI ČVUT.

The moderator and expert will be Thomas E. Bachman, Lake Arrowhead, California, USA.


Book the date for Respiratory Days 2016 (and more…)


The 5th annual “Respiratory Days” conference will take place at Bumbálka, Labská nr. Špindlerův Mlýn, Krkonoše Mountains, on September 7-9, 2016 (Wednesday to Friday).

Biošrot, Parašrot and Physiošrot will take place at the same place, starting September 10, 2016.

A list of publications has changed.

Martin Rozanek become an Associate Professor


Today afternoon, two of our colleagues became associate professors (“doc.” degree—it has NOTHING to do with Microsoft Office documents :-) ). They defended their habilitation theses at a meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering. They are Martin Rožánek (in the picture on the couch), a member of our NVT; and Jana Vránová, a statistician closely cooperating with us in research.




The 4th annual “Respiratory Days” conference will take place at Bumbalka, Labská nr. Špindlerův Mlýn, Krkonoše Mountains, on September 9-11, 2015 (Wednesday to Friday). All topics related to respiratory care and research in respiratory techniques and medicine are welcome.

If you consider an active participation (i.e. having a presentation or a lecture), please contact any member of our team as soon as possible.

The program for RDs 2015 is presented here:  Pozvánka na SVK Respirační dny 2015

Attendance at the conference including accommodation and food is free of charge if you deal with respiratory care or research in this field; otherwise, a conference fee of CZK 2 150.– applies (includes the accommodation, food, the book of proceedings, social events and all the conference services).

Here are the proceedings from the last Respiratory Days in 2014: Proceedings-Respiratory-Days-2014.

(For members of FBMI CTU only: The conference immediately precedes the BioŠrot and ParaŠrot training courses starting on Saturday, Sep 12, 2015.)

New article added:

ASL 5000 lung model fails to simulate preset mechanical parameters during HFJV and volume control ventilation with a decelerating flow waveform in some ventilators