Authors: Roman Matejka, Karel Roubik
Matejka R, Roubik K. Advanced Monitoring System for Conventional and High Frequency Ventilation. Lekar a Technika 2008;8(2);164-167
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Advanced Monitoring System for Conventional and High Frequency Ventilation
Published in Lékař a technika
The article deals with advanced monitoring techniques of artificial lung ventilation and modelling of the respiratory system. For these purposes, the unique system has been created which is able to measure basic ventilatory parameters as other monitoring devices but it is also capable to measure oeasophangeal and intraabdominal pressures and to evaluate isolated parameters of the chest wall and lungs. Furthermore, the system is able to model mechanical characteristics of the respiratory system, especially the alveolar pressure, in real-time. ‰ e most important features of system are patient‘s safety, user friendly design and possibility of storing the measured data in a database system for next statistical and clinical evaluation. The accuracy has been confirmed by a commercial ventilator Amadeus (Hamilton Medical, Rhäzüns, Switzerland). The system has been tested during animal experiments and during a human clinical trial in a faculty hospital.
artificial lung ventilation, monitoring, high frequency ventilation, lung mechanics
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