Authors: Kristyna Koldova, Ales Rara, Martin Muller, Tomas Tyll, Karel Roubik
Koldova, K.; Rara, A.; Muller, M.; Tyll, T.; Roubik, K. Cranial Electrode Belt Position Improves Diagnostic Possibilities of Electrical Impedance Tomography during Laparoscopic Surgery with Capnoperitoneum. Sensors 2023, 23, 8644.
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Laparoscopic surgery with capnoperitoneum brings many advantages to patients, but also emphasizes the negative impact of anesthesia and mechanical ventilation on the lungs. Even though many studies use electrical impedance tomography (EIT) for lung monitoring during these surgeries, it is not clear what the best position of the electrode belt on the patient’s thorax is, considering the cranial shift of the diaphragm. We monitored 16 patients undergoing a laparoscopic surgery with capnoperitoneum using EIT with two independent electrode belts at different tomographic levels: in the standard position of the 4th–6th intercostal space, as recommended by the manufacturer, and in a more cranial position at the level of the axilla. Functional residual capacity (FRC) was measured, and a recruitment maneuver was performed at the end of the procedure by raising the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) by 5 cmH2O. The results based on the spectral analysis of the EIT signal show that the ventilation-related impedance changes are not detectable by the belt in the standard position. In general, the cranial belt position might be more suitable for the lung monitoring during the capnoperitoneum since the ventilation signal remains dominant in the obtained impedance waveform. FRC was significantly decreased by the capnoperitoneum and remained lower also after desufflation.
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